What is the commission split at CENTURY® 21 Advantage Realty?

Can we be honest here? I try my best to be straight forward with everyone I meet with. I feel like a lot of brokerages beat around the question, or at least they did when I was looking for a “new home”. It’s the question everyone wants to know- whether you’re starting out or if you’re at a different brokerage. And if you’re interested in joining our brokerage but haven’t met with Adam, Romi, or myself yet- feel free to reach out! We can meet in person or via zoom/teams.

Alright, now that we established that we are going to be very straight forward I’m going to (kind of) answer your question- I can’t post it online… I know, you probably really wanted to know. I’m only at liberty to tell people who are considering joining us and meet with us. These are the things I can tell you.

-All C21 Franchisees start at a 70/30 split. (70% to you, 30% to broker)- Our starting split is higher than that.

-I’ve been told by potential agents that we have the highest start-off split of all the brokerages they’ve interviewed. I cannot attest to the fact if this IS indeed true, simply because we have 6 offices in different cities and some of those cities (Like Lexington) have A LOT of different brokerages. Adam, Romi, and I have a general knowledge of what some of the brokerages offer simply due to the conversations we’ve had with potential agents.

-Top producing agents have switched to our company and love it here! Why would an agent who is KILLING it in the real estate game switch brokerages?

-We have opportunities for agents to receive 100% commission. In fact, all the people in this image (and more), who are part of our brokerage have had or have that option. P.S, this image is from our Partner event! We love celebrating our agents!

-Our commission structure fits on one page. We make it easy for you to see exactly how much you are going to make and you’re not tied down by a bunch of “What if’s”. We want our agents to be able to budget and plan easily, so vow to always have a transparent commission structure.

At one of my first closings, I was walking out with the seller’s agent, and I congratulated them on the sale and asked how they were going to celebrate. The agent looked dim and said “Oh, this commission isn’t even going to cover (some bill, I don’t remember what they said)” I was SHOCKED because my commission off the deal was going to cover the last three months, I worked with my client showing them houses, the hours I spent with them, and pay about four months of bills for my family! That agent confided in me that they thought the fees they were paying at their current brokerage were ridiculous. That agent ended up joining us within 3 months and has been with us for over 4 years now and is a partner of our company- meaning they aren’t planning on leaving anytime soon.

I also left a brokerage and joined this one in 2016, I’m happy to share my story with anyone who asks. I don’t want others to end up in the situation I ended up in. (Tip to new agents: If it’s not on paper… it’s not legit)

If you want to learn the exact numbers our split starts at, please contact us, you can also find a lot of what we offer here. We look forward to meeting you and supporting you in your real estate career.


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